Doctors in Austria 1938-1945 - Disenfranchisement, Expulsion, Murder
Index cards of the doctors Dr. K. Goldhamer, Dr. L. Goldhammer, Dr. K. Giesskann; WStLA, ÄKW, K1
Doctors in Austria 1938-1945 - Disenfranchisement, Expulsion, Murder
The aim of the research project is a comprehensive historical reappraisal of the disenfranchisement and persecution of Austrian physicians during the Nazi era.
In the course of the project, the legal basis for discriminatory measures such as the withdrawal of licences, health insurance licences and dismissals from hospital service as well as their concrete implementation will be researched.
All doctors who were discriminated against and persecuted between 1938 and 1945 for "racial" and political reasons, because of their sexual orientation or membership of a religious community are to be recorded and their individual fates reconstructed. The focus is both on the professional careers of those affected and on their further lives after March 1938.
Some biographies, such as those of Sigmund Freud, Otto Loewi and Viktor Frankl, are known - as many as possible, including the hitherto unnoticed individual fates, are now to be documented. The research results and biographies will be published in a representative memorial book.
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