Univ.-Prof. Dr. iur. Ilse Reiter-Zatloukal iur. Ilse Reiter-Zatloukal
Project manager
Research focus
Austrian legal and constitutional history of the 19th and 20th centuries
currently especially Austrofascism (projects on politically motivated expatriations and property seizures)
History of Austrian Criminal Law, History of Lawyers, History of Migration Law (esp. expulsion), History of Citizenship Law (esp. practice of deprivation of citizenship in Europe in the 20th century), Faculty History, Gender History
Mag. Dr. phil. Barbara Sauer
Mag.a phil. Barbara Sauer
Research focus
(Collective) Biographies, Persecution, Exile and Remigration of Nazi Persecutees
History of the Austrian Bar
Architecture and housing policy in Vienna
History of museums and collections
Research projects: Servitengasse 1938, Advokaten 1938
Mag.a phil. Maria Czwik
Project staff